Saturday, April 25, 2015

It's time to play

"I ate all my breakfast can we go for a walk now?" Every morning Abby and I walk 3-5 miles around my neighborhoods. I thought it so funny this morning that it appeared she would say those words above if she could talk.

Every morning Abby has a routine:  
  • get up on the bed with me after Frank gets up (he's gets up way to early for us girls), 
  • after a specific amount of time (usually at first light) she stares at me and inches closer to my face until I get up, 
  • she waits patiently as I dress and finish morning toiletries, 
  • she then runs to her bowl-side and sits staring at me, 
  • waits patiently as I start mine and Frank's breakfast, 
  • then waits for the command to commence eating after I have filled her bowl, 
  • she gobbles up her morning feast and
  • waits not-so-patiently for me to finish breakfast and clean up the kitchen before we go out for our walk.
She's such a good dog, I just can't explain. I've never had a dog quite like her. I know. Everyone says that, but I really mean it! I've had other dogs and loved all of them, but Abby is certainly different.

This morning our walk is turning into an afternoon walk. I got too distracted this morning with other business, but now it's time to play!

Abby?! Let's hit the road!

Here's to paw prints on your heart!


Thursday, November 6, 2014

I Want My Dog Back So Bad

Keep dog off couch, don't let him in the bed, keep her in the yard while I'm away or worse, lock her in the bathroom, are all phrases I've heard come out of dog owner's mouths.

Why in the hell do some people even get a dog?? There should be a test, just like I believe there should be a test before anyone can conceive a child, but that's another post for my other site. I digress.

Some people have even resorted to giving their dog away only to regret the decision. "I want my dog back so bad!" Really?! Why'd you give him/her away in the first place? Because he was on the couch, in the bed or otherwise seemingly unruly and annoying action?

In my opinion, you should never have gotten the dog. Adopting a dog is permanent. There's no give backs!! It's a lifetime commitment!

Living with dogs means lowering your standards, teaching them what's expected of them as a pack member, loving them unconditionally and always putting them first. If you don't agree, don't get a dog. PERIOD.

So at the risk of causing pain to any reader who has searched "I want my dog back so bad" and it's not their fault, forgive me. I understand there are custody issues just as with 2-legged children. And I understand if your dog has passed on to doggie heaven. For this, I am sorry and it's not you to whom I'm addressing this post.

For the rest of you who chose to give your dog away because it was not convenient, shame on you. You don't deserve to get your dog back.

My dog will always be allowed on the couch. Hell, she has her own chair, the princess chair (mine's the queen chair;))!!

She get's on the bed with me each morning. She rides in the car with me most everywhere. And if it's too hot for her to go, she stays at home, but not locked up. Granted, I've used a crate for her before, but never for a very long period of time.

For all of us dog lovers, give yours a big hug and an extra treat knowing there are other dogs not so lucky.

Stepping down from soapbox.

Paws and dog kisses.

Friday, October 3, 2014

I decided to get back to Abby's blog and I noticed the last post was in January. Yikes! What the hell happened? To say I've been distracted is a lame excuse, but honestly, it's true.

With building a rapport on Bubblews for over a year, distracting is certainly what it's become.

It seems my own personal blog has been neglected since April, but I did manage to get a post up this morning.

Now it's time to start building up Abby's site to find friends and dog lover's to share stories with. And Abby certainly would love to be a focal and gain her internet presence in hopes of being a star one day! She has definitely got the looks and talent. Now to just get her discovered;D

Showing her in her relaxed, but intent state, the top picture is Abby's puppy cup time. Once she gets the frozen treat handed to her, she will not move nor stop licking up the peanut buttery goodness until it gone.

And there is never a drop that is allowed to escape onto the floor or carpet. Or couch, if she's so lucky!

I captured the princess Abby playing with Frank the other day. It's hard to believe this tough, ferocious sounding beast is the quiet, sweet Abby that everybody loves!

Anyhoo, just wanted to get back to some Abby time and now it's time to get back to my other work. TTFN!

Lisa & Abby