Finally, I get to be in charge of MY blog! WooHoo! To start, I want to show you some of my favorite things in life.
Usually, my pack leaders allow me the
freedom to do as I wish. As you can see here, riding in the car is the

And the windows aren't even open...must be magic! I really love riding in the car :)
I could do this ALL is at the top of my list of favorite things!! And if mommy or poppy open BOTH windows, well, need I say more?? I can run back and forth between the two so as to not miss a single scent! What a rush! Maybe this is the number one thing on my list...
But Wait! I soooo love swimming, but jumping off the dock to get my fave toy? (Sometimes they don't use my favorite because they tend to lose it in the ocean or under the dock so I make do with whatever they want to throw.) I can fly! Who knew? This HAS to be my favorite thing in the whole wide world! I not only get to fly, but get completely wet after I jump because I can go under water like the fish...then I get to swim, swim, swim until I find my toy and then I get to swim, swim, swim back to poppy or mommy so that they can throw it again. This always makes them happy and I love it when they are happy.
Check ME out:
And did I tell you I love napping? Yup, it's definitely one of the top favorite things of all. It's one thing that I do really well! And can do it ANYwhere. So this has to be my favorite thing of all! Mommy shot the following photo of me napping, but I don't like it so much. Looks like I've got string hanging out of my nose. I know she thought it was funny and as long as she's laughing or smiling, I'm okay with it...I guess!
I know there are so many other favorite things, but these are a few! I'll be back to tell you more cool stuff about me because it is all about me, on MY blog...just call me Abby Dabby Doo!