Saturday, April 25, 2015

It's time to play

"I ate all my breakfast can we go for a walk now?" Every morning Abby and I walk 3-5 miles around my neighborhoods. I thought it so funny this morning that it appeared she would say those words above if she could talk.

Every morning Abby has a routine:  
  • get up on the bed with me after Frank gets up (he's gets up way to early for us girls), 
  • after a specific amount of time (usually at first light) she stares at me and inches closer to my face until I get up, 
  • she waits patiently as I dress and finish morning toiletries, 
  • she then runs to her bowl-side and sits staring at me, 
  • waits patiently as I start mine and Frank's breakfast, 
  • then waits for the command to commence eating after I have filled her bowl, 
  • she gobbles up her morning feast and
  • waits not-so-patiently for me to finish breakfast and clean up the kitchen before we go out for our walk.
She's such a good dog, I just can't explain. I've never had a dog quite like her. I know. Everyone says that, but I really mean it! I've had other dogs and loved all of them, but Abby is certainly different.

This morning our walk is turning into an afternoon walk. I got too distracted this morning with other business, but now it's time to play!

Abby?! Let's hit the road!

Here's to paw prints on your heart!
